Saturday, June 18, 2016

Your Hangout message:

YOU: hi Sir Tony--what does being bitten by a black slender snake on the forefinger mean in dreams? 

MOI: I need the entire dream narrative to understand it.

YOU: I just remember being in a group, the people I do not remember, but my mother is there. We were all reclining like on a bed, having fun. Then a snake appears, wrapped around my hand, then it bites me. That's what I remember at least. I do remember the snake bite and where it bit me--hintuturo

My reply:

It is possible to interpret dream fragments, dream snatches, and dream images, but the results won't be as thorough as when a narrative is provided.

The Freudian interpretation: This was a dream moment in which you regressed to the Oedipal stage and reaffirmed your love for your mother, whose impact on your life has been so strong that you still may not have found any woman who can ever match up to her. The snake is sent by your superego to prevent the dream from interpolating itself into a scene of lust, and keep it on the level of your being a child playing innocently in bed with your mother. 

The Jungian interpretation: Snakes appear in healing dreams. Non-poisonous snakes were allowed to roam the Temple of Asklepios, where pilgrims slept on the floor in order to wake up healed or with a dream memory of a prescription for healing. You might be needing healing at this present time. If it is about a relationship, it is definitely your relationship with your mother.

My interpretation: Lust has recently re-entered your life, for you may have fueled it intentionally or unintentionally by looking at photos or watching videos. The forefinger is the finger that represents purpose and direction. It is wrapped around the hand that engineers self-sex, and bites you to jolt you into a more conscious awareness of where your activities are taking you. Rise from your ennui and lead a more creative life.

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