Saturday, September 24, 2016

Your Messenger message:

"Hi, sir...I am really not a 'people' person, as others would call it. Although I have always loved to help others and ease their suffering, I do not like crowds. I happen to have been betrayed by my closest friends multiple times before. That is because I trust easily. The root cause, however, is not that- but my poor judgment of discerning who really are genuine from those who are not. I have always believed in the goodness of people. And that, I think, has blinded me a lot. I often get taken advantage of. Or, that no matter how sincere my gestures are, it remains questionable for them. No matter how much loyal of a friend I am, they treat me as someone who is a threat to them. I never wish anybody harm especially a friend. I comfort them when they are down. I rejoice with them when they succeed even if I failed on the same field. I have tried to remain low key. But that did not stop them from talking behind my back or falsely accuse me of something just so they could damage my reputation esp to those who have been good to me. My problem is, no matter how much wrong they have caused me, I forgive so easily and tend to forget what they have done me wrong. It is a repetitive habit of mine. It has come to a point now that it has become really exhausting. No matter how I try to get angry and to stay away from these people, I find myself still helping them when they are in need. In all honesty, I am not able to hold in any form of anger or hatred towards anybody even if that person is the cause of my suffering. This is not to ask any sympathy but I feel that this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. But I am not capable of solving it alone. May I ask what I could do to stay away from people who only wish me harm? Here's an attachment of some of those people who I feel are not sincere as how they portray themselves to be. I am still hoping that they have their reasons why they are like that and I hope that I could still somehow change how they treat me in some other ways rather than completely staying away from them. Sorry for the very long message, and thank you for your precious time."

My reply:

Hi ____________!

I scanned not you but the persons in the photo you sent me. Reading their minds, I saw that they resent you for your "It's all about me" attitude. It is one of your blind spots, but I hope that you will eventually get rid of it.

Most of the people in the photo were persons whom you hurt impulsively without their knowing why--and without your knowing why also. It is because you raise too many red flags. Once you sense that someone is going to hurt you, you go berserk, jump the gun, and hurt them first in a form of premature and often uncalled-for vengeance. Yes, it is another blind spot.

I hope that this will help you somehow.

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