Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Your Messenger message:

"I had a creepy experience pag uwi ko. Got home at 1am from Gapan. While I was browsing ate _______'s posts I heard a growl, at first I thought it was my tummy, so I went to the kitchen for a glass of water. Then I went to bed. Then I heard louder growls which were coming directly outside my window. Funny thing is I was on the second floor. I thought perhaps it was my pet dog. So I went downstairs to check on him but I was surprise to see him asleep under our SUV. Then I heard the growling, now as if getting closer so I ran inside the house quickly bolted the main door and the kitchen door and ran upstairs. While in my room the growling didn't stop outside my window as if it is waiting for something. So I put on my headset played music and prayed. The noise stopped at 3am. This is the first time I've experienced this. What's your take?0"

My reply:

Hello _______!

The growls you heard were from tree elementals a.k.a kapres in the vicinity. They were in trouble and were asking for help. Such calls for help (even to the most unlikely persons) usually occur when there is fire somewhere, or toxic waste, or the threat of being cut down. Why not check your environment to see what it was all about?

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