Sunday, September 4, 2016

Finished watching "The Purple Testament" from Jaime's The Twilight Zone DVD series. Set in 1945 in the Philippines (rendered in television studio sets, of course, though there were two second-director shots that looked like they were taken in the Pacific), it is about a U.S. Army lieutenant with precognition. He knows which soldiers are going to die

Love that tuba-drinking scene. There is one mirror shot that was quite strange, because the reflections in it were all at the wrong angle.

Also watched "Elegy" from the same series. Set in 2185, this is a futuristic episode about three astronauts who land on a place that looks like Earth...with a big difference. This looked like a more-expensive-than-usual production. Written and produced o/a 1959, there is a reference to the 1970s that actually didn't happen.

Love that ending shot nonetheless--a close-up of a crystal chandelier that dissolved to a long shot of the galaxy. It looked so right.

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