Friday, July 29, 2016

Jalan-Jalan With Ronald In Lucky Chinatown And Quiapo On Quiapo Day, Friday, July 29, 2016

This store is owned by a friend. I bought a dozen, porcelain rice bowls to augment our Chinese dinner set, for Aubrey's birthday celebration tomorrow.

Bought a lot of purple yam sweetmeats here.

A rare sight? Excelente Ham is open and empty of other people, ALL FOR ME. We never buy ham in December to avoid the crush of atchays buying their Christmas ham. Why should we buy ham in December, anyway, when we can buy it within the eleven other months the rest of the year round?

Many superstitious atchays also abstain from meat on Fridays, and so Friday is always the best day to buy ham.

Back in Cubao. Seattle's Best Coffee is the best place to have SHORT-ORDER SNACKS.

I bought two pairs of spare, over-the-counter, reading glasses in Lucky Chinatown. It is the only place where you can find them now. Atchay optical shops in malls phased them out because they want you to spend your money on their more expensive lens refraction.

A woman begged me to buy this. I did. I prefer this fiberglass figure to those with fabric vestments, which are extremely hard to maintain.

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