Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A Tuesday For Three Students

1) Sent a moneygram to W., one of my students.

2) For the past two weeks I have been visited by Rodel Naval, whom I never met in person and whom I still confuse with Ronel Victor. He just stands there, and I can't decipher what the message is. I know little about him, except that his life seems interesting enough to write about.

Saw this at Odyssey and was urged to buy it. Haven't listened to it yet, though--he might  jump out unexpectedly.

3) F., a new facebook Friend and my new Skull Son, visited. I bought from him a book with a secret compartment and a leather-bound journal (he made both). We had chocolate shakes at M.'s cafe. Gave him a heavy, brass, skull chain and a Pakistan dagger. He gave me, in turn, this travel weapon. No, I'm not traveling with it.

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