"Hi Sir Tony. I've been having recurring dreams about ducks. Last night it was very vivid --- in the dream I'm a soldier, a redcoat, I think, and I'm walking through the battlefield, in which there were ... ducks. White, fluffy ducks, who were quacking the Philippine national anthem in unison. What do you think it might mean? I would appreciate it very much if you could help me interpret it please. Thanks po

My reply:
Hi ___________!
This is a dream fragment, specifically the middle of a dream. You were unable to recall the beginning and the ending, most probably due to repression. It would also have helped had you given me the events that occurred during the day. Unequipped with those, I can only suspect that you experienced a betrayal during that day, possibly an argument about immigration, in which you took the side of living in a foreign country versus living in the Philippines.
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